Photo by Keenan Thompson

Special Projects

Below are the projects that I worked on over the past few years that I take the most pride in and believe showcase my abilities the best.

Buyers Guide Project

This project took place for the Car and Driver buyers guide. This online guide aids consumers looking for their next car and provides them with recent reviews and ratings. Each vehicle within the database has its own data and photo from either a press kit, in-house photography or the automakers online configurator. There were 5,006 cars that needed to have their data updated and I was able to complete the project a week before the deadline.

Lightning Lap

The fastest cars of the new model year were brought to Virginia International Raceway to be tested to their limits. My job during this project was to drive the cars to their designated areas once they were delivered. I was also involved in weighing each car and preparing them to be tested on the track. During track days, I sat in the tower next to the track watching for any incidents where I would wave a flag to slow the drivers down in case of emergency.


Anually Car and Driver ranks the 10Best vehicles of the year with a base price starting below $90,000. I assisted in weighing cars and writing down information about each vehicle, refilling them at the gas station and driving some vehicles for photo shoots.

Used Car Inflation Story

My first assignment during my time with Autoweek was to help gather information and speak with dealerships about used car prices skyrocketing due to the chip shortage. I spoke with Carava and CarMax and was invited to a Q3 earnings call with CarMax and got a more in-depth idea of how the chip shortage was impacting dealerships. I also contacted some local dealerships in my area about the matter. 

Read the story here

CMU Track Smashes Records

The final project I worked on before graduating at Central Michigan was a feature story on our indoor track team. I interviewed the head coach and some of the athletes that had set records that year and shot some b-roll while they were practicing. I had to edit the video clips in Adobe Premiere and my colleague presented the story on camera when the episode aired.

Watch the video here